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Download PDF of Absentee Bid Form

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email the completed document to:

A.L. Buck Buchanan II

Auctioneer & Sales Team TXS 7731


Absentee Bid / Telephone Bid Registration Form


Auction Date(s)    ______________________________


Auction Location _________________________________


Bidder’s information:


First Name _____________________  Last Name____________________




Tax I.D.(if Applicable)__________________________________________


Driver’s License_________________________________ State_________




City___________________________ State___________  Zip___________


Telephone (Home)________________________ (Cell)________________


(Business)__________________________ (Fax)_____________________


Please note telephone number you may be reached during Auction


Write clearly and return form as soon as possible. In the event of identical bids, the first bid will take precedence. Please attempt to submit bid at least 24 hours before Auction.


LOT NUMBER             LOT DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                        MAXIMUM BID 

                                                                                                                                                                              (Excluding Premium and Tax)



































I consent to the use of this information for the purpose of acting as my proxy to bid on these items listed here.  I may also request to bid by phone for these items, as per my indication.  I understand that phone bidding availability depends on available personnel during sale of specified lot during Auction.


SIGNED______________________________________________________ DATED___________________




Please email completed form to or mail to:

A.L. Buchanan II

P.O. Box 3422

Bryan, Texas 77805


Please read the following important bid information:


  1. The execution of written and telephone bids is offered as a courtesy service to our clients and is offered at no extra charge. A.L. Buchanan cannot accept risk nor liability for failure to place such bids, whether through negligence or otherwise. The Auction company is subject to its commitment to consignor at the time of the Auction. 

  2. Bids will be started by the floor and will be executed for the lowest price permitted by other bids or reserves.


   3. “Buy” or unlimited bids will not be accepted nor will “plus one” bids.


    4.  All Auction transactions are an “AS IS – WHERE IS” basis with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by the Auction          Company or the Owner (consignor).


    5.  All sales tax laws vary from state to state and it is recommendable that if you have any questions regarding the application of              payable or exempting tax payments, to seek advice from your local tax advisor.


   6.  Absentee or telephone bidders are subject to the same terms and conditions of each Sale as any other present bidder. By                     submitting an absentee or telephone bid, you are agreeing to be bound by the Sale’s “Terms and Conditions of Sale”.

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